Happy Holloween

Originally uploaded by Jepster
It's that time of year once again. I went to the mall this morning and encountered a lot of small goblins, fairies and walking pumpkins each one with a basket full of goodies going from one store to the next excitement plain on their young faces.

We had our trick or treat activity in the residential compound last week and although I wasn't around to see the kids go from house to house I did help in preparing the loot bags and lent some props for our decoration of our house (for the scariest house competition what else). At first I was protesting to giving the kids chocolates and candies this year. Instead, I was proposing to give them healthy treats like high fiber bars or healthy vitamin enriched snacks. Well I couldn't find any of the items I wanted so I settled for gummy sea critters and jam filled marshmallows instead.

I hope everybody enjoys this weekend. I spent the afternoon at the cemetery lighting candles and laying down flowers with my parents for our loved ones who has passed away. Only a few families were there. i think the majority will be going to the cemetery on the 1st or 2nd of November. We did not want to go with the bulk of the crowd so we opted to visit a day earlier.

Halloween DecorHalloween Decor
