Turtle Eggs

I'm so sleepy. I slept very late last night. It's a combination of arriving late last night and excitedly going through some packages sent by my sister (most of the stuff she sent wasn't for me but I still enjoyed perusing the items she sent for other family members though and trying on the colognes she sent my father hehe). Turt (my pet red eared slider turtle) was also being more active than usual throughout the night (it sounded like she was scratching the sides of the tub and making splashing noises).

Turtle Eggs

When I woke up this morning, 3 eggs were piled up on a corner of the tub! I'm expecting more eggs soon. The last clutch of eggs she laid were about 8 eggs or so. Sadly though none of the eggs hatched that first time. I'm hoping most of the eggs survive this time. I'm going to transfer turt later to a smaller tub just in case she feels like laying more eggs. Red eared sliders should normally lay their eggs on dry sand. She was forced to lay all the eggs inside the tub that first time because I didn't even realize she was pregnant that time. Hopefully I get it right this time. And I hope the three eggs she laid this morning is OK despite the fact that it was soaked in the water for a few hours. I also read somewhere that the eggs should not be moved after being laid or at least be in the same position. I can't wait to go home at lunch break to check for more eggs. :)
